CHAIR: Stacey H. (410) 409- 4837
VICE CHAIR: Rob P. (410) 365-9750
TREASURER: George B. (443) 764- 9040
VICE TREASURER: Debbie M. (443) 827-2220
SECRETARY: Jessica B. (443) 226-2432
WEBSITE CHAIR: Jenny R. (410) 497-2385
REGISTRATION CHAIR: Megan S. (443) 991-2370
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Essex United Methodist Church, 524 Maryland Ave, Essex 21221 at 6:30PM.
ENTERTAINMENT CHAIR: Michael U. (410) 299-9585
Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at St. Luke's church in Edgemere, 7517 North Point Rd, Sparrows Point, MD 21219 at 6PM.
HOSPITALITY CHAIR: Stacie D. (443) 337-4501
Meets the third Tuesday of the month at St. Luke's church in Edgemere, 7517 North Point Rd, Sparrows Point, MD 21219 at 6PM.
PROGRAMMING CHAIR: James J.(443) 337-4173
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Essex United Methodist Church, 524 Maryland Ave, Essex 21221 at 6:30PM.
Meets the second Tuesday of the month at Pats Pizzeria 1605 Merritt Boulevard at 7PM.